In a desperation for success, the Sandalwood girls seem to have decided to shed all their inhibitions. Following the footsteps of Bollywood lasses, recently Pooja Gandhi went nude for her upcoming Kannada movie Dandupalya and stirred controversy in the Kannada film industry. The latest actress to do similar act is legendary director SV Rajendra Singh Babu's daughter Rishika Singh.
Rishika Singh's nude posters from her forthcoming Kannada movie Yaaredre Nanagenu have irked woman's organisations and several social groups. Though, the actress has not gone nude, the pictures clearly show her without clothes where mud is all over her body. It is reported that the controversial photo shoot was held in Jaipur.
Thanks: one India
Rishika Singh's nude posters from her forthcoming Kannada movie Yaaredre Nanagenu have irked woman's organisations and several social groups. Though, the actress has not gone nude, the pictures clearly show her without clothes where mud is all over her body. It is reported that the controversial photo shoot was held in Jaipur.
Thanks: one India