Tamil film actor Jeeva has given his best performance till date. His body language and his acting have given a real look to the character. Karthika, the daughter of yesteryear actress Radha, could not have expected a better role than this. She has emoted well in many scenes. Piaa is good in her second lead role. Ajmal surprises you with his wonderful acting, while Prakash Raj and Kota Srinivasa Rao have given impeccable performance.
Cast: Jeeva, Karthika Nair, Piaa Bajpai, Ajmal Ameer, Prakash Raj, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Sona Heiden and others.
Director: KV Anand
Music: Harris Jayaraj
Cinematography: Richard M Nathan
Producer: Kumar and Jayaraman
Released On: April 22, 2011
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Cast: Jeeva, Karthika Nair, Piaa Bajpai, Ajmal Ameer, Prakash Raj, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Sona Heiden and others.
Director: KV Anand
Music: Harris Jayaraj
Cinematography: Richard M Nathan
Producer: Kumar and Jayaraman
Released On: April 22, 2011
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